
Archive for October, 2008

Welcome to the Carraway Center for Teaching and Learning.

The Carraway Center for Teaching & Learning is an educational consulting organization based in Nashville, Tennessee, dedicated to helping students, teachers, and parents understand how learning occurs, and to creating superior educational programs and courses. Developing specific learning strategies based on cognitive neuroscience research, the Carraway Center helps ensure academic success for every type of learner. Founded in 2001, the Carraway Center works with schools, organizations, and individuals through private consulting, student workshops, parent seminars, professional development presentations, and specifically designed curriculum that is taught through the Summer Learning Institutes.

Kimberly Carraway is a Learning Specialist and Educational Consultant specialized in teaching and learning strategies. She holds degrees in Cognitive Studies and Elementary Education from Vanderbilt University and in Learning and Teaching from Harvard University.  Ms. Carraway focuses her work on the integration of cognitive neuroscience and educational practice. She speaks nationally and internationally to educators, adminstrators, and parents, bringing the latest research on how learning occurs and relevant applications of research directly to the classroom.

Kimberly’s passion for students and their learning process is what inspires her to design personalized strategies for different kinds of learners. Ms. Carraway works individually with students, consults with private and public schools across the country, and teaches summer education workshops for students in the areas of Study Strategies, Critical Reading, Writing, and ACT/SAT Strategies. Ms. Carraway currently lives in Nashville, Tennessee, where she directs the Carraway Center for Teaching and Learning. She is a charter member of the International Mind, Brain and Education Society and director of The Neuroeducation Institute.

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